The healthcare industry's post-COVID landscape has led many medical professionals – from doctors and nurses to physical therapists – to seek alternatives in the wellness sector. This shift often stems from their exhaustion with regulations, demanding schedules, and administrative burdens that characterize traditional healthcare.
Wellness Services vs Healthcare Services
While wellness offers more freedom from regulatory oversight compared to healthcare, it's crucial to understand where to draw the line between these two distinct fields. Healthcare practitioners can incorporate wellness services into their practice when complying with applicable laws. However, wellness professionals must be careful not to cross into healthcare territory.
Common Risks for Wellness Service Providers
Common legal pitfalls for wellness professionals include:
- Attempting to order medical laboratory tests
- Trying to help clients with specific diseases and illnesses
- Attempting to cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent diseases
Even with the best intentions and personal experience with certain conditions, wellness practitioners must stay within their scope of practice to avoid legal complications.
If you're considering transitioning from healthcare to wellness or are unsure about the legal boundaries of your wellness practice, seeking proper legal guidance is essential. Professional legal counsel can help you navigate these complexities while maintaining an effective and compliant practice.
Schedule a consultation with Barbara Zabawa, JD, MPH, President of the Center for Health and Wellness Law.